Jae Ehrich-Meyer, DC
About Chiropractic
Chiropractic is a philosophy of medicine that focuses on restoring the natural movement of the “innate intelligence” or vital life force in an individual, thus facilitating the healing processes in a human being that are continually maintaining and restoring life.
About Acupuncture
Acupuncture works deeply in the laws of nature and the expression of the uniqueness of each individual human being. In dialogue with the acupuncture points, we work with restoring the natural movement in accordance with the laws of nature inside of you.
Regular Hours
Appointments are available Monday - Friday and occasionally on weekends.
Schedule an Appointment:
It makes it easier to use this scheduler if you log in.
To create a log-in for yourself, make an appointment and at the very end, once your appointment is confirmed, click the “register for an account” button and follow the directions. Then when you schedule next time, click “Log in” in the upper right corner where it says “Returning"?”.
Doing this will make it easy for you to reschedule and cancel appointments and you will be able to log in and see your appointments all in one place.
Insurance Policy:
I am no longer a contracted “in-network” provider for insurance. All visits are now “out of pocket.” I can provide paperwork for reimbursement as needed.
New Patients:
I am able to accept a limited number of new patients at this time. For the most part, I am accepting new patients into my acupuncture practice and not exclusively for chiropractic. As an acupuncture patient, I will incorporate chiropractic work as needed.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or email me.
Please email me if you do not see any openings for New Patient Appointments on the online scheduler. It is likely that the next availability is further out than the online scheduler goes.